Tips for Better Computing

Facebook in the workplace

posted on Jun 04, 2013 in Tips for Better Computing
by Wayne Kimes, MCSE, CNE, CCNA

Facebook in the workplace
In recent years, we have seen more and more Facebook use in the workplace. Businesses are using it to advertise and promote their businesses
The problem with Facebook is that it is a hotbed of Malware activity and people are exposing themselves and their businesses to Malware/Spyware and Viruses that could not only harm their computers but steal bank account information – The article below talks about just such a virus. If your business needs Facebook, make sure:

1. You have current and working antivirus program, coupled with Malwarebytes configured to update and scan nightly
2. That computer/staff member does no banking or logs into other sensitive websites on that computer
3. Never “Like” an unknown profile or page and don’t click on any videos or participate in any game activity
4. Consider having that computer not part of the Domain, or even have it on another network (guest network)
5. Configure your Web Browser in “Private Mode” while working on Facebook
6. Don’t use that computer for other business use – Have a dedicated Social Media computer

In this article, it’s a fake NFL Profile that triggers the virus that steals bank account information – This is serious stuff here and it’s not “Hacker Kids” doing this. It’s large Criminal Business Enterprises writing and disseminating these viruses – They have the will and the money to hire the best in the world to steal your money and information

Click here for NY Times article Fake NFL Profile

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